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Project Design and some thoughts

Every year, when holidays or special dates are approaching, we are overcome by an uncontrollable desire to make themed quilted or embroidered pieces to spread around the house.

But with the rush of everyday life and the years going by faster and faster, these dates seem to come suddenly and we find ourselves running a marathon to complete at least a small part of the thousands of plans we have made. So we end up feeling a little frustrated to have increased our endless pile of UFOs... And we always think the same thing: "next year we will organize ourselves better and start the projects earlier!"

And so we go on... the years go by... and the pile of UFOs grows...

Fortunately, the process of planning and creating new projects is as much fun as its realization! And besides being great fun, creating new projects and doing what we love is very therapeutic!

And speaking of therapy… after more than a year of confinement due to the covid-19 pandemic, we felt the need to change some things in our lives and to resume our creative projects, developing new quilt and embroidery patterns, new sewing pieces, and new fabric prints.

In these difficult times, this has been very important for both of us who are thousands of miles apart and, like everyone else, are suffering some consequences of the confinement.

Even though virtually, we have spent much more time "together" discussing ideas and testing our projects via FaceTime. And we have been having a lot of fun!

When life becomes more enjoyable, our minds are free to create! The ideas come non-stop and the days get too short for so many new projects!

Little by little, we will share them all with you.

For starters, this year's Halloween project began to take shape this weekend.

Hopefully, we will finish it in time!



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